Directed by Michael Teplitsky
Written by Carol Siddon
Translated by Pierre Pe'er Friedmann
Duration: One hour and 45 minutes
Produced and directed by Michael Teplitsky
Written by William Shakespeare
Translated by Dori Parnas
Duration: One hour and 40 minutes
A riveting psychodrama centered on a fatal obsession
Written by Steven Zweig
Translated into Hebrew by Roy Chen
Duration: One hour and 20 minutes
A Story and a Half
A documentary performance
Dramatized and directed by Michael Teplitsky
Based on the stories by Ksu Borisov, Daniel Margolin, Irina Torch, Luba Laor,
Leon Nonin, Lev Kogan, Juli Kayt, Helena Rott
The Snow Fairy Tale
A family show for children and audience members of all ages
Produced and directed by Leon Moroz
Idea: Leon and Ksenia Moroz
Written by Gerta Wilk
Duration: 45 minutes
A Warsaw Melody
A lyrical urban legend
Written by Leonid Zorin
Translated by Sivan Beskin